
Alliance Consultancy Reports/Our Reports

The 2022–2023 Alliance Consultancy report highlights its focus on emergency projects. With the main project in 2022-2023 – #HelpNowHUB we providing 37,000 services to Ukrainians across 50 countries and 200 cities. Launched in March 2022 in response to the war in Ukraine, this initiative offered comprehensive support, including treatment, psychological, legal, and social assistance for PLHIV and key populations. Key achievements include establishing hubs in Germany, Poland, Moldova, and the Baltic States, along with the #HelpNowDoctors service and a Clinical Hub for coordination. Supported by the Global Fund, AIDSfonds, and local NGOs, #HelpNowHUB exemplifies resilience and solidarity during a humanitarian crisis, even continuing volunteer efforts beyond project funding.

View the full report here –

The Alliance Consultancy Report for 2019–2020 highlights the completion of 1,564 consultancy days, new partnerships with donors, and expansion into six new countries. Key achievements include the implementation of a new population size estimation method for people who inject drugs (PWID) in Ukraine, the development of harm reduction programs in the Maldives, and the organization of international high-level dialogues and study visits. The report also features groundbreaking community-based research projects and comprehensive technical assistance in areas like HIV, TB, and hepatitis.

View the full report here –

The 2017 Annual Report of the Alliance Technical Assistance Centre (ATAC) highlights the completion of 1,354 consultancy days, focusing on capacity building and harm reduction. Key achievements include the enhancement of SyrEx 2 functions, capacity assessments, and trainings in countries such as Afghanistan, Kenya, and Kosovo. ATAC also conducted significant research projects, including Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance surveys and Health Facility Assessments. Explore our technical support initiatives and their impact across 32 cities and 17 countries.

View the full report here –
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The 2016 Annual Report of Alliance Consultancy and the Regional Technical Support Hub (TS Hub) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia highlights key projects, including technical assistance across 52 countries and the successful implementation of 2,978 TS days. The report covers notable initiatives such as the Harm Reduction Academy, research on HIV and Hepatitis C, and extensive support for civil society organizations in the region. This comprehensive overview reflects the growing impact of technical support, capacity building, and advocacy efforts.

View the full report here –

The 2015 Annual Report of the Regional Technical Support Hub (TS Hub) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia showcases the expansion into six new countries, the completion of 37 projects, and 2,374 days of technical support. Highlights include successful Global Fund concept note preparations for Belarus and Uzbekistan, National Civil Society Forum facilitation in Kyrgyzstan, and the launch of the Harm Reduction Academy. The report emphasizes key initiatives addressing HIV/AIDS, harm reduction, and capacity building across the region.

View the full report here –


The 2014 Annual Report of the Regional Technical Support Hub (TS Hub/ATAC) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia highlights the expansion of TS services across five new countries and the completion of 49 projects, focusing on HIV/AIDS initiatives in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations. Report summarizes Alliance Consultancy`s work from 2008 to 2014, highlighting the 2014 achievements and results. The report also covers key projects, including contributions to Global Fund concept notes, harm reduction strategies, and capacity building for community-based organizations. Explore the detailed impact of our efforts across the region by viewing the full report. 

View the full report here –


Usefull Resources

Document Title: SOPs for Depression Screening and Follow-up


Description: This publication outlines the Patient Pathway and SOPs for physicians developed under the Help24 TeleHealth project. It provides guidelines for the systematic screening, diagnosis, referral, and treatment of depression among vulnerable groups in Ukraine, including people living with HIV. The project aims to expand access to high-quality mental health care through telemedicine services. 

Document Title: Practical Telemedicine Guide


Description: Unofficial translation to Ukrainian  of a practical guide designed to help medical facilities implement telemedicine programs for HIV prevention and care. Telemedicine offers essential tools to accelerate the fight against the HIV epidemic and expand access to multidisciplinary care.  

Document Title: Informational Material for Ensuring Continuity of Treatment


Description: #HelpNowPL provides essential steps and contacts for those needing HIV, TB, hepatitis, and OST treatment in Poland, ensuring continuity of care after leaving Ukraine. 

Document Title: Importance of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV-Positive People


Description: A publication from #HelpNowPL on the importance of adherence to ART for HIV-positive people. It explains why consistent medication is crucial for treatment success and the potential risks of low adherence.

Document Title: #HelpNow HUB Activity Report for the First 6 Months


Description: Launched on March 1, the #HelpNow project has become a comprehensive hub providing support to key population groups in Ukraine and abroad. In the first 7 months, over 10,000 Ukrainians received help, and more than 45 publications were posted on the platform.

Document Title: Medical Certificate for OST (PSTO) Patients from Ukraine


Description: It is recommended to obtain a medical certificate to ensure the continuity of OST (PSTO) treatment for patients who are relocating to Germany or returning to Ukraine.

Document Title: Patient Pathway for Treatment (ART, OST, Viral Hepatitis, Tuberculosis) in Poland


Description: A step-by-step guide for Ukrainians who have relocated to Poland to access treatment (ART, OST, hepatitis, tuberculosis). Covers legal, social, and medical aspects, with helpful contacts and resources.

Document Title: Patient Pathway (for the German component)


Description: A step-by-step guide to ensure continuity of your treatment in Germany, outlining the main steps and key contacts. The #HelpNowDE team is ready to provide you with coordination and psychological support throughout the process.

Document Title: Advice from the Psychologist of #HelpNowDE


Description: Tips on adapting during crises, prepared by psychologist Olga Avanesova. Learn how to support yourself and adjust to the new reality during the war.

Document Title: Alliance Consultancy Project Portfolio (2018)


Description: Overview of the organization and its key areas of work, including the Alliance Technical Assistance Centre (ATAC), research and evaluation, education and development, and logistics and conference services.

Document Title: Key Findings of Bio-Behavioral Studies Among Key Populations


Description: A summary of bio-behavioral studies conducted among key populations in Ukraine (PWID, MSM, FSW) during 2017–2018, covering behavioral and epidemiological indicators.

Document Title: Results of the 2015 Study: Monitoring of Behavior and HIV Prevalence among PWID and Their Partners


Description: This report presents findings from the 2015 study, including social-demographic structure, risky sexual and behavioral practices, access to prevention and treatment programs, and prevalence of HIV, HBV, HCV, and syphilis among PWID.

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