Project Title:
CCM EPA – Eligibility and Performance Assessments for Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM)

Implementation Period:
2014 – 2016

The CCM Eligibility and Performance Assessments (EPA) aimed to evaluate and strengthen the governance, oversight, and functionality of Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) in various countries, ensuring compliance with the Global Fund requirements for funding eligibility.

Key Activities/Results:

  • Conducted 12 EPA assessments in countries including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Romania, Egypt, Eritrea, PANCAP, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Kenya.
  • Provided capacity building and training workshops to improve the ability of CCMs to meet Global Fund performance standards.
  • Facilitated the development of plans to enhance CCM functionality and align with Global Fund requirements.

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

Key Partners:
Local CCMs in the respective countries


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