Polio Immunization Campaign Survey (UA) (uk translation)

Project Title:
Independent Survey within the National Polio Immunization Campaign in Ukraine

Implementation Period:
2015 – 2016

This project aimed to monitor the effectiveness and coverage of the National Polio Immunization Campaign in Ukraine. The independent survey was crucial for evaluating the switch from bOPV to tOPV and ensuring that immunization targets were met.

Key Activities/Results:

  • Conducted a comprehensive independent survey as part of the bOPV-tOPV switch monitoring.
  • Assessed the coverage of immunization across various regions to identify gaps in vaccine delivery and administration.
  • Contributed to data-driven policy recommendations to improve future vaccination campaigns in Ukraine.

Public Health Center of MOH of Ukraine, supported by WHO and UNICEF

Key Partners:
Public Health Center of MOH of Ukraine, WHO, UNICEF

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