
Community Led Monitoring (CLM) (uk translation)

Project Title:Community Led Monitoring (CLM) GF Strategic Initiative TA Provision Implementation Period:2021 – 2024 Description:In May 2021, a Consortium of the Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO), the Asia/Pacific Council of AIDS Service Organizations (APCASO), and the Alliance Technical Assistance Centre (ATAC) was created. The Consortium, led by APCASO, became […]

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Онлайн клініка Help24 TeleHealth

Назва проекту: Онлайн-клініка Help24 TeleHealth – комплексні телемедичні послуги для ВІЛ-інфікованих та ключових груп населення в Україні Період впровадження: Вересень, 2023 р. – Триває (2024 р.) Цілі та завдання:Проєкт «Телемедицина Help24» має на меті розширити доступ до медичних послуг за допомогою телемедичної платформи, спеціально розробленої для людей, які живуть з ВІЛ, та ключових груп населення

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HelpNowHUB – Допомога, що не може чекати!

Назва проекту: HelpNowHUB – 24/7 лінія життя та підтримки для українських біженців та внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО) Період реалізації: Березень, 2022 – жовтень, 2023 Цілі та завдання:HelpNowHUB був створений протягом перших кількох днів російського вторгнення в Україну у 2024 році для надання екстреної підтримки людям, які живуть з ВІЛ (ЛЖВ), та ключовим групам населення, які

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Harm Reduction Academy – Global Learning Course (UK)

Project Title:Harm Reduction Academy – Ending AIDS and Hepatitis C among People Who Inject Drugs through Global Learning Implementation Period:2016 – 2022 Objectives/Goals:The Harm Reduction Academy is a global learning initiative designed to build skills and foster dialogue for the elimination of AIDS and Hepatitis C among people who inject drugs. The course provides hands-on

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HFA: Nigeria and Malawi (uk translation)

Project Title:Health Facility Assessment: Secondary Analysis for Nigeria and Malawi Implementation Period:September 2016 – December 2017 Objectives/Goals:The project aimed to enhance data use for decision-making by conducting a secondary analysis of health facility assessment data in Nigeria and Malawi. The goal was to improve HIV, TB, and Malaria programs in these countries by promoting the

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EECA Platform  (uk translation)

Project Title:Regional Civil Society and Communities Support Coordination and Communication Platform – Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Phase 1) Implementation Period:June 2015 – April 2017 Objectives/Goals:The project aimed to support civil society and communities in the EECA region by enhancing their participation in Global Fund programs. The goal was to ensure effective involvement in the

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IBBS: PWIDs (uk translation)

Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) Survey among PWID and Their Sexual Partners Project Title:Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) Survey among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) and Their Sexual Partners Implementation Period:2015 – 2016 Objectives/Goals:The IBBS survey aimed to monitor trends in HIV transmission and behavioral factors among PWID and their sexual partners across

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Polio Immunization Campaign Survey (UA) (uk translation)

Project Title:Independent Survey within the National Polio Immunization Campaign in Ukraine Implementation Period:2015 – 2016 Objectives/Goals:This project aimed to monitor the effectiveness and coverage of the National Polio Immunization Campaign in Ukraine. The independent survey was crucial for evaluating the switch from bOPV to tOPV and ensuring that immunization targets were met. Key Activities/Results: Donor:Public

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Data Quality Design (DQD) (uk translation)

Project Title:Development of Data Quality Design (DqD) for Monitoring and Evaluation – International HIV/AIDS Alliance (IHAA) Implementation Period:May 2015 – January 2016 Objectives/Goals:This project sought to build capacity among IHAA’s linking organizations to adhere to a unified data quality approach. It aimed to improve data collection methods, reduce unnecessary data collection, and maximize the use

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CCM EPA  (uk translation)

Project Title:CCM EPA – Eligibility and Performance Assessments for Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) Implementation Period:2014 – 2016 Objectives/Goals:The CCM Eligibility and Performance Assessments (EPA) aimed to evaluate and strengthen the governance, oversight, and functionality of Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) in various countries, ensuring compliance with the Global Fund requirements for funding eligibility. Key Activities/Results: Donor:The

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