Based on previous experience of Regional Technical Support Hub for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, implemented by Alliance Consultancy together with Alliance for Public Health, AC has a solid portfolio of training modules, guidelines, informational resources that can be used in further capacity building activities. 

One of our online courses “Role of civil society in response to HIV/AIDS epidemics”, developed within the implementation of the first phase of Regional Civil Society and Community Support, Coordination and Communication Platform-EECA, is available in Russian on the Alliance for Public Health e-learning platform via the following link:

The Alliance for Public Health e-learning platform has a series of online courses on various public health related topics, including harm reduction, gender approach, sexual and reproductive health, etc.

Click below to visit Alliance for Public Health e-learning platform:

Click on the image below to access Alliance Consultancy’s online course “Role of communities in epidemics response”. The course was developed within “Regional Platform-EECA” project and is currently available on Alliance for Public Health e-learning platform ProfiHealth.

Currently AC is implementing another educational project

Within this project we are developing an “English for HIV/AIDS communities” course for civil society and communities of Eastern Europe and Central Asia to develop their capacity and ensure they are capable of bringing their vital input into the epidemics response on the international level. More information is available on the project’s website and Facebook page.